- abstract
- aesthetic
- anti
- aquarelle
- art
- artistic
- awesome
- basic
- beautiful
- black
- child
- classy
- clear
- cover
- cute
- design
- drawing
- dropproof
- durable
- fantasy
- fingerprint
- flexible
- gift
- girly
- glam
- golden
- grip
- htc
- htc desire 12
- htc desire 12 plus
- htc desire 12s
- htc one x10
- htc u ultra
- htc u11
- htc u11 eyes
- htc u11 life
- htc u11 plus
- htc u12 life
- htc u12 plus
- impact
- lady
- lightweight
- luxury
- modern
- paint
- painted
- pattern
- phone
- pink
- poetic
- present
- protective
- resistant
- safe
- scratch
- secure
- shell
- silicone
- smooth
- soft
- teen
- watercolor
- woman
Lex Altern functional and reliable form-fitted phone case will guard your cellphone from scrapes and scuff. Artistic Artwork Phone Case COMPATIBLE with HTC.